Chris little

Sneaky Thief
Online shopping is great, it’s quick, easy and can be done from the comfort of the couch but people still believe it comes with a catch and that’s security. To help ease people’s concerns ANZ needed to let new and existing customers know about their Fraud Money Back Guarantee. It was our job to make sure it cut through the clutter of display advertising.
We used a truly attention grabbing idea to show that no matter who got hold of your card details, ANZ had you covered. A powerfully simple and contextual way of communicating our message to people via a medium that was traditionally overlooked.
Click through rate 70% higher than industry average
7% higher trial intention for day-to-day accounts
Brand image metrics increased by 10% above benchmark
Gavin McLeod (ECD), Chris Little (Creative Group Head Art), Gareth Sweet (CW)

One of three different hands that stole our card.

One of three different hands that stole our card.

One of three different hands that stole our card.

One of three different hands that stole our card.