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Live more yes


Australia’s opinion of Telco brands was at an all time low. Banks, Lawyers and even dentists out rated us in popular opinion research. It was our job to give Optus a new attitude that would help rectify the negative sentiment.


We aimed our new communications at the highly influential millennial audience and enlisted the help of one of their own to deliver our new position. Live More Yes was a promise to customers, both new and old that Optus was doing all it could to provide an easier, more rewarding service. It also acted as a powerful internal mantra for staff. The multi million dollar campaign came together with a huge range of super kitsch and at times ridiculous executions across TV, OOH, social, retail and CRM. Most importantly the fun was backed up with tangible improvements to the network and retail offers so customers could see the real benefits of the Optus network.



Acquired more Telstra customers than lost for the first time since 2010

Largest retail trading week in 3 years

59% positive sentiment toward the campaign (24% industry average)



Ben Welsh (ECD), Chris Little (CD Art), Andy Flemming (CD Copy)

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