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No Qualifications needed


43% of Australians don’t feel ‘qualified’ to have a conversation about mental health. But when Australia’s suicide rate is the highest of any continent in the world, the stigma around mental health conversations was a problem for R U OK? However, people’s willingness to talk about everything else going on in the world, qualified or not, acted as the perfect opportunity and insight for this campaign.

In the 13th year of R U OK? ’No qualifications needed’ let us hijack any conversation, article, content, or media placement and remind people that asking a friend “Are you OK?” Doesn’t require any skills, training or expertise.

7% lift in social followers
43% down to just 10% of Australian’s feeling that asking someone ‘Are you OK?’ might be a conversation better had with an expert
61% lift in earned media mentions


Toby Talbot (CCO), Chris Little (GCD), Luke Roxburgh (AD), Robin Ramsay (CW)

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